Saturday, July 23, 2011

My reaction to Megaman Legends 3's cancellation

Two days ago, Capcom announced that Megaman Legends 3's production was cancelled, and the Megaman fan community just snapped.

For an average gamer like myself, I was horrified. I never expected something like this to happen to a popular video game franchise like Megaman. I have friends who were looking very forward to the game, and they are mad at Capcom right now. A few days after MML3 was cancelled, a Facebook group that calls for the game to be back and need 100,000 supporters appeared and it gained a lot of popularity over the past 2 days. As of July 23rd, its population is over 20,000. I also heard that a second party developer may consider to help continue the production of MML3, so there is still hope. I am proud of the Megaman fan community for putting a lot of effort to bring the game back into production, and I hope it does.

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